Yesterday the namecheap dns servers, to which some of my domains were delegated, were inaccessible for a certain period of time. At the same time there was a problem: do not connect to the server from filezilla via sftp.
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Spam bots, postfix and fail2ban
On my server, Postfix works as an outgoing mail server, that is, it only sends mail from sites. Naturally, the 25th port is open. But most of the time all the bots are trying to use the server as an open relay. :) Naturally, they do not succeed, for the rules are set. But logs litter.
How to create a database and user MySQL
If you don’t have any convenient administration panel installed on your server and you need to add a user and a mysql database to create the site, you can do it through the console.
Useful netstat flags
Just recently, I found out about some useful netstat flags. Before that, it was too lazy to deal with her, read the manual. :) Therefore, rarely used.
And so, here is a list of some useful, at my discretion, flags. They can be specified both separately and grouped (-atunp), when you run the net stat in the console.
How to disable InnoDB in MySQL
If you do not need to use InnoDB storage for your site databases, you can disable this type of storage to save server resources.
How to remove the database and user mysql
Having abandoned the convenient panel to manage the server, I was faced with the need to remove the databases and users of mysql. After all, before something was done through the socket, and - manually.
Script backup databases Mysql in a local folder
I decided to completely abandon the use of ispmanager, because it takes up resources, and is used only for one thing — data backup. But since this can be done personally, then keeping the panel on the server for ten sites does not make sense at all.
That is why the first task is to create backup copies of mysql databases. The bases are small in size, so the simplest version of backups will be used - creating archives and placing them in a specific server folder.
How to install i386 libraries on amd64 system
It's great that Debian has support for multiarchitectures. Suppose some application works only on 32-two bit systems, and a 64-bit one is installed on the server. Simply install the necessary libraries for the i386 architecture and continue to work with the application.
It is done this way: (more ...)
Install and configure OpenVPN on Debian 8
OpenVPN is a software package that allows you to protect user traffic from “interception” by providing encrypted data transmission from the client’s device to the server with OpenVPN installed. Great for using public wifi access points where information can be intercepted by third parties. Or in the case when your ip is blocked on a certain site and you need to safely bypass this restriction.
Nginx rewrite rule examples
Redirect to url with slash
Some CMS for sites may open pages with a slash at the end, and without it, if the engine does not redirect itself. For example, the page and from the point of view of the visitor will be one. But for search engines, these are two different pages, and slash is to blame for everything. So duplicate content is bad.