A little distracted from the topic of server administration and using Debian to develop the site. :)
Compressing css and js files saves traffic. This is especially true for mobile phones, where the speed is usually low. In this, we can provide invaluable assistance to the yui-compressor, which is available for installation from Debian repositories.
Install yui-compressor
# aptitude install yui-compressor
It is necessary to work with the compressor on behalf of the simple user. All commands are executed in the console.
Called as follows: we write the command yui-compressor, then with the option -o
specify the final file, and after - the source one, which requires compression.
Compress css styles
$ yui-compressor -o style.min.css style.css
Compression scripts
$ yui-compressor -o script.min.js script.js
You can explicitly specify the type of compressible file with the option --type
, the encoding of the source file --charset
. The specific option --nomunge
designed to disable obfuscation of scripts.
If the final file is not specified, the result of the command execution will be displayed on the screen.