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MySQL Error: [Warning] user entry root @

After installing the mysql server, the following error appears in the daemon.log log:

 Jul 24 15:29:08 srv mysqld: 140724 15:29:08 [Warning] 'user' entry '' ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode.
 Jul 24 15:29:08 srv mysqld: 140724 15:29:08 [Warning] 'proxies_priv' entry '@' ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode.

All the fault of the disabled DNS resolution: determining the domain name for the ip-addresses of clients connected to the mysql server. I don’t need this function on the server, therefore I’m disabled by the skip-name-resolve parameter in the my.cnf file.

Corrects the error in this way. Connect to the mysql server and select the mysql database.

  mysql> use mysql; 

Then select the user table.

  mysql> select Host, User from user; 

A result is displayed, in which users and hosts will be visible, for which the authorization of these users is available.

 + --------------------- + ------------------ +
 |  Host |  User |
 + --------------------- + ------------------ +
 | |  root |
 |  :: 1 |  root |
 | |  root |
 + --------------------- + ------------------ +
 13 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Then we select the following table - proxies_priv.

  mysql> select Host, User from proxies_priv; 

Its contents will be something like this:

  + --------------------- + ------ +
 |  Host |  User |
 + --------------------- + ------ +
 |  localhost |  root |
 | |  root |
 + --------------------- + ------ +
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

As you can see, there is an “extra” root with access for the domain. It can also be just the host name, for example, root @ example. It is this user that causes the error. Delete it:

  mysql> deluser 'root'@''; 

To top it off, we are updating privileges.

  mysql> flush privileges; 

I repeat that this method is only suitable if you do not need external connections to the mysql server as root. In other cases, you should include resolving DNS.

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