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Prosody - Jabber / XMPP server for Debian

The Debian Jessie repositories have an acceptable version of 0.9.7. We set it up with the add-on to work with mysql:

  # aptitude install prosody 

Next, you need to decide which database to use: mysql or sqlite.

SQLite is more compact and undemanding to resources. It is a file on the server where tables with information are stored. It is easy to copy, nothing is needed except the sqlite3 library. Such a database will be the best solution if you set up a jabber for yourself (and a dozen users in addition :).

  # aptitude install lua-dbi-sqlite3 

MySQL is better suited when you plan to host many-many user accounts on the server and constantly add, delete, edit, etc. For such a database, you also need the appropriate component.

  # aptitude install lua-dbi-mysql 

The content of the article:

SSL certificate preparation

Using self-signed certificates is not at all kosher. :) There is no confidence in them. Therefore, you need to get a free certificate from . There is a good instruction on this .

Suppose you received a certificate. Now you have the ssl.crt certificate file and the ssl.key key. The key must first be decrypted. Of course, you can use and not decrypted, but you have to specify the password in the Prosody config, set the appropriate access rights, and so on ...

  # openssl rsa -in ssl.key -out ssl.key 

During decryption, you will need to specify the key password.

In addition to your certificate and key, you need a certificate "Class 1 Intermediate Server CA". Download it:

  # wget 

We merge into one file ( is recorded as an example, replace it with your domain name ):

  # cat ssl.crt ssl.key sca.server1.crt> /etc/prosody/certs/ 

The certificate will be saved in the / etc / prosody / certs / folder.

In addition, you need to create a key for the Diffie-Hellman protocol . It will also be used in the virtual host settings, providing the ability to use Forward Secrecy.

  openssl dhparam -out /etc/prosody/certs/dh-2048.pem 2048 

Set permissions that allow only reading of certificates on behalf of the prosody user.

  # chown prosody: prosody /etc/prosody/certs/*.pem
 # chmod 0400 /etc/prosody/certs/*.pem

This completes the preparation of certificates.

Creating MySQL Database

You can either create a database and a user through the console, or through the phpmyadmin control panel or similar.

Prosody setup

The setup process is simple. Everything is well documented (albeit in English), and the structure of the configuration files is simple.

You can easily create virtual hosts, assign them special parameters, and so on. Almost an analogy with Apache and nginx. :)

The main parameters of the configuration file /etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua, the values ​​of which we will need to edit.

  allow_registration = true; 

Enables user registration using client programs. Pidgin, for example. The default is false . Do not enable if you do not need to allow registration.

  authentication = "internal_hashed" 

Enables user password hashing. The default value is internal_plain, which is not entirely secure - store the passwords in the database in the clear.

Specify storage type - sql database:

  storage = "sql"

If you selected sqlite as the storage, then uncomment the line:

  sql = {driver = "SQLite3", database = "prosody.sqlite"} 

If mysql:

  sql = {driver = "MySQL", database = "prosody", username = "prosody", password = "secret", host = "localhost"}

Do not forget to specify the sql_manage_tables = true parameter below, so that Prosody automatically populates the database with tables.

The prosody values ​​in the database and username parameters should be replaced with the database name and user name, respectively. You also need to specify a password for the password option, replacing the secret phrase. Host is left unchanged if the MySQL server is installed on the same machine as Prosody.

Virtual hosts in Prosody

The next configuration item for Prosody is to create a configuration for virtual hosts. Suppose we have one domain. We find the following line and replace with the name of your domain.

  VirtualHost ""

Comment out the line:

  enabled = false

This is followed by the ssl settings for a specific virtual host. You need to specify the path to the certificate and other additional options.

Since we previously exported the certificate and key into one file, the path needs to be specified only to one file.

The first three lines are paths to keys / certificates. respectively.

  ssl = {
   key = "/etc/prosody/certs/";
   certificate = "/etc/prosody/certs/";
   dhparam = "/etc/prosody/certs/dh-2048.pem";
   options = {"no_sslv3", "no_sslv2", "no_ticket", "no_compression", "single_dh_use", "single_ecdh_use"};
   ciphers = "ECDH: DH:! ADH:! AECDH:! SEED:! DES:! 3DES:! RC4:! NULL";

The fourth line is responsible for the ssl options and disables ssl versions 2 and 3. The fifth indicates which ciphers are allowed to be used.

The last two parameters for a virtual host that require encryption when connecting clients and servers. They must be specified after the item ssl = {...}.

  c2s_require_encryption = true
 s2s_require_encryption = true

This completes the Prosody configuration.

Create and delete users

If you have not enabled the possibility of self-registration of users using the client, then you can add new users via the console with a simple command: prosodyctl adduser . When adding, you will need to specify a password twice.

Administration rights can also be given to any user. Specify the login of the required user in the admins = {} parameter of the configuration file. For example:

  admins = {"", ""}

Deleting a user account is done with the command: prosodyctl deluser , where needs to be replaced with the jabber ID of the existing user.

Error messages

Check the following error message in the Prosody error log (/var/log/prosody/prosody.err):

  certmanager error SSL / TLS: Failed to load '/etc/prosody/certs/': 
 Reason: bad end line (for

In this case, you need to check the certificate file for the presence of such lines:


This is wrong and you need to separate them so that they look like this:

  ----- END CERTIFICATE -----

DNS records for Jabber

For each domain, you need to register the corresponding records in the DNS (although it is not necessary if you do not need to communicate with users of another domain).

  _xmpp-client._tcp IN SRV 5 0 5222
 _xmpp-server._tcp IN SRV 5 0 5269

Where 5 is a priority, 0 is weight, and 5222 and 5269 are ports for client-to-server and server-to-server communication types, respectively.

The following is the domain name pointing to the server with jabber installed. This can be the same server on which the site is running, or any other.

Iptables rules

If incoming connections are blocked by default on your server, you should create iptables rules that allow connections to the jabber server via tcp for the necessary ports:

  # iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5222 -j ACCEPT
 # iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5269 -j ACCEPT 

Enable compression in Prosody

Sometimes it may be necessary to enable compression to save client or server traffic. To do this, install the lua-zlib package:

  # aptitude install lua-zlib 

Find the modules_enabled parameters group at the very beginning of the configuration file and uncomment the line:

  "compression";  - Stream compression (Debian: requires lua-zlib module to work) 

And set the compression level from 1 to 9 by the parameter that you need to register after the modules_enabled group.

  compression_level = 5 


The correctness of the encryption settings can be checked at . There is a test for both client-to-server connections and server-to-server connections.

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” 2 Comments “ Prosody - Jabber / XMPP Server for Debian

  1. Greetings.
    I did everything according to your instructions - I just can not solve the problem with a trusted certificate. Got u startssl. There is an archive with others, including apache, ngnix, otherserver. I used the certificate from otherserver (I tried it and apache) - as a result, authorization with other servers does not take place, the error at this stage in the logs is:
    info Accepting SASL EXTERNAL identity from
    info incoming s2s connection> complete
    info incoming s2s stream> closed: New stream 'from' attribute does not match original
    I read somewhere that it is decided by the inclusion of the module s2s_auth_compat. Enabled, as a result of authorization:
    warn Invalid stream header, certificate will not be trusted

    Like a problem in the certificate itself. Wrote in startssl support, they said that certificates for XMPP servers do not support. Although here you advise, and in other places they mention that prosody with their certificates works fine ... please tell me how you connected and what specific certificate from startssl connected?

    1. It's funny, they used to support them, but now they don't.

      I take the certificate from the nginx folder. There, he immediately "glued" with an intermediate certificate. Everything starts, although with not tested.

      The certificate must match the domain with www and without.

      Alternatively, comment out the ciphers and options of the virtual host to use the default values. Maybe xmpp Yandex works with less strong ciphers and only under sslv3.

      You can also add an exception:

      s2s_insecure_domains = { "" }

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