The laurels of the founder of the financial pyramids, Charles Ponzi, do not give rest to many businessmen, both in our country and abroad. No sooner had the sensational epic with “MMM” and “MMM-2012” authored by Sergey Mavrodi died down, as the Internet flooded projects based on exactly the same basis - the passion of the average person for “easy” money. In this article I will talk about one of these online projects - the game “Invest Hotels” with the withdrawal of money, I will explain what the essence of this project is and how it works.

The content of the article:
- «Invest Hotels» – это бизнес-игра с выводом денег 1 "Invest Hotels" is a business with a withdrawal of money.
- Как зарабатывать на Invest Hotels 2 How to make money on Invest Hotels
- Как реально работает игра 3 How the game really works
- Заключение 4 Conclusion
"Invest Hotels" is a business with a withdrawal of money.
The game “Invest Hotels” is a network project positioned as “a resource combining gaming, investment and partner solutions”. The resource offers its users the opportunity to earn real money and withdraw it, through the purchase of virtual hotels with a daily rate of return. The more hotels you buy, the greater your daily profit (in rubles), which can later be transferred to various payment systems.

You do not need to manage these hotels, you simply buy a hotel and profit is dripping from it every day. No special knowledge, business strategies and financial management, everything is simple even for a child.
In addition to making money on virtual hotels, the administration of the resource offers users to earn on their referrals (the people whom you brought to this project and who paid for it with something). You get from 3-10% of the amount of replenishment of each referral you refer. You can also earn a few rubles from surfing sites by visiting various online resources (for each such visit, the length per minute you can earn an average of about 7 kopecks).

How to make money on Invest Hotels
The game works as follows.
- You go to the resource and go through the registration on it (at registration you get 50 bonus rubles to the account).
- Then go to the hotel purchase screen (“Earnings” option), where you are offered to buy different types of hotels at different prices and rates of return. For example, a three-star hotel costs 50 rubles and brings 1.25 rubles a day, and a whole hotel complex costs 3,500 rubles, and already brings 105 rubles a day.
- After buying hotels for each day, money is deposited into your account, which can be transferred to any payment system.
- Everything is simple, convenient, does not require any special knowledge, and is simply extra profitable (the amount of income is 80-90% of the amount of your purchases per month, and accordingly, about 1000% per year). You do not need to do anything, the money is dripping into your account, passive income is secured. But is everything as cloudless as it seems?

How the game really works
This project is a financial pyramid, which is able to exist only under the condition that users constantly contribute there new and new real money. The annual payment of 1000% (for comparison, the rate for ruble deposits in Russian banks is 7-10% per annum) huge funds are needed, and the creators of this project will take these funds from the pockets of the users themselves, both new and old.
For the project to exist, it must constantly grow at the expense of new contributions. Therefore, the creators of Invest Hotels to attract new customers conducted an advertising campaign in the network, where in various forums and video hosting the project is presented as “stable”, “reliable”, and payments on which are made constantly. At the same time, the first signs of users began to appear in the form of users who cannot withdraw their money from Invest Hotels for various reasons. This shows that as the project expands, the administration faces difficulties in paying huge interest rates, therefore it is forced to minimize or impede payments for various reasons.
Should I play Invest Hotels with a withdrawal? If you have an extra few hundred or thousand rubles, and you are ready to part with them easily, then I do not see any obstacles. You just donate your money to the developers of the project, while there is no guarantee that you will get your earnings back in the game. Financial pyramids usually end badly, creators take away the money they have collected, and simply disappear without a trace.

The game Invest Hotels with the withdrawal of money is a modern Internet project in the form of a financial pyramid, based on the constant attraction of new members to the project. The opportunity to make money on it looks extremely dubious, so I would not recommend users to deal with this and similar resources.