Every day, developers are trying to surprise users with new games and even game genres. With the growth of their number, the number of new, previously unknown errors increases. When launching such popular games like Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands, CrossOut, Dead by Daylight, Fortnite and others, a message appears on the computer with error code 30005 (CreateFile Failed with 32.). How to solve it - read in this article.
The content of the article:
- Причины появления окна с ошибкой 30005 1 Causes of a window with error 30005
- Быстрые решения ошибки 30005 2 Quick Solutions to Error 30005
- Работа с антивирусом 3 Work with antivirus
- Удаление установочного файла EasyAntiCheat 4 Deleting the EasyAntiCheat installation file
- Переустановка компонентов Windows 5 Reinstalling Windows Components
Causes of a window with error 30005
The code of the error in our case is explained in parentheses that it was not possible to create a file for a 32-bit system. . This error is reported by the EasyAntiCheat client validation module. The code can talk about the different reasons for its appearance. Unfortunately, there is no single fix instruction. Therefore, different ways of fixing this problem with games and AntiChit will be presented.
The error may appear as a result of a violation of the game files. Or when blocking some game files with your antivirus software. In some cases, this failure may be temporary. If you try to start the game again after a while, you will notice that it decided on its own. Follow all the instructions below, and you are more likely to resolve error 30005 (CreateFile failed with 32.). If you fail to do this - be sure to write about it in the comments so that we can find new ways for you to fix it.
Quick fix error 30005
No matter how trite it sounds, but many people can get rid of the error by simply rebooting the computer. It can be assumed that users primarily perform this action. And yet, those who have not tried it - reboot the system. If the game started after a reboot, then most likely these were minor failures in the RAM of your computer. Therefore, you can no longer meet it at startup.
Even if it appears again after a time, restart the computer again. And better - clean it from unnecessary files and programs.
— не запускайте вместе несколько программ одновременно. Another tip - do not run together several programs at the same time. Especially if your computer has little RAM (up to 2GB). To continue, we need to be sure that the game files are in order. To do this, run the Steam client and run the check.
- Start the Steam game client or open your account through a browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.);
- Open the library and find your game in the list;
- Right-click on it and select the last line - “Properties”;
- Click the tab at the top of the Local Files window and select the last item to check integrity.
Checking the integrity of the game files on Steam
If the check will find the missing files of the game, you must reinstall the game.
In Steam, you may still receive such an error: Internal Error 0x06 System Error, how to fix it?
Work with antivirus
Before following these steps, check your system for viruses with a tool that you have in your computer. To resolve the error with code 30005 CrateFile Failed with 32, in some cases it is enough to disable your antivirus for a while. If you did not install additional, you need to turn off the built-in Windows Defender.
To disable an additional virus, click on the arrow at the bottom of the screen and right-click to select your antivirus. Select “Screen Management” (Avast) or a similar item in other antiviruses and specify the time you need to deactivate the program. If this is not possible, remove the antivirus and start the game. If the game works, download the anti-virus program again and add the game to its exceptions. How to do this, you can find on the site developer antivirus.

Deleting the EasyAntiCheat installation file
The following method is based on the removal of the AntiChit installation file from the game folder. You need to find the full path to the folder with the game. If the installation was done by default, then your game should be located on the C: \ drive. In other cases, look for the folder where you specified the installation.
- We assume that the installation was done by default. Open Explorer (WIN + E) and select the C: \ folder (if Windows is installed here);
- Select Users;
- Then find the folder with your account name - for example, C: \ Users \ Anton \;
- Next, select the folder "AppData \ Local \";
- And open the folder with the name of the game;
- Find the EasyAntiCheat Setup file here. Transfer it to another disk or copy to a flash drive (remove C: \ from the disk in any way, but do not delete it at all);
EasyAntiCheat file - Run the game.
The same file is in the Steam folder on your computer, for example, C: \ Users \ username \ Steam \ steamapps \ commom \ game name. If you did not find it in the game folder, try deleting it in the Steam folder. If there are no results, return the file to its original location.
Reinstalling Windows Components
An error may appear if you have outdated Visual C ++ components installed on your computer, which are necessary for most games. Reinstalling them may resolve crash with code 30005 (CreateFile Failed with 32.) when launching popular games. Therefore, click on the link to the official Microsoft support page and download the appropriate version of the components for your computer - https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id=48145.