In 2015, after the release of updates, many users began to receive the error "c0000145 application error" in Windows 7. It occurs after the user has turned off or rebooted the computer. According to those who have encountered an error, those who have a pirated version of the Windows operating system are most often affected by this, less often a problem arises with a genuine version.
Download failed because you may not have purchased this app.
Many of us love to play games on your smartphone or tablet. This is so convenient, because most devices support quite powerful games, including the versions of those that we used to play on the computer, for example, GTA San Andreas, Minecraft, World of Tanks, FIFA and many others. But often the installation process of games is accompanied by the error “Download failed because you may not have purchased this app”, because the user violates the order of actions and the necessary files are either not downloaded or not stored in the right place. And today we will talk about what to do when you start the games (using the example of GTA San Andreas), the message Download failed appears on the screen of your mobile device.

Cheats for Nescafe 3 in 1 Stickers
The Nescafe company holds a promotion in its official VKontakte group. Under the terms of this promotion, a special bot will work for 4 months (until February 28, 2018), you can still get a unique and one-time code for getting free Nescafe 3 in 1 stickers.
Control userpasswords2 does not work on Windows
When setting up automatic login, users encounter a problem when control userpassword2 does not work in different versions and architecture of Windows. This can occur for various reasons, let's look at this problem later in the article.
Promo codes for Pandao from bloggers new 2018
Mail Group has launched a new project - an online store Pandao, working directly with Chinese manufacturers. Pandao differs from its other peers in that descriptions of all products are presented here in Russian. And the fact that points are charged for purchases (a certain percentage of the order value), which can later be exchanged for products from a special section. In addition, points are given for registering and performing various actions in the online store, and are also awarded when using promotional codes. And, if you are interested in how you can score the maximum number of points, what promotional codes for Pandao from bloggers (new, 2018) apply, then read on.

Error code 0000000002 The declaration (calculation) contains errors and is not accepted for processing.
When submitting a declaration or settlement to the tax office, an error 0000000002 often occurs, which has the content of non-acceptance for processing. Such declarations are refused after a few days. Few people know what the error “Declaration (calculation) contains errors and is not accepted for processing” and how to fix it, so in this article we will look into this.

How to order via cashback Joom
Many users who have already bought goods from other online stores, such as AliExpress, are interested in the issue of cashback in Joom. They are interested in the situation with the return of the spent money in the Joom store. Or rather, how to order products with a cashback program on Jum. Let's look at this later in the article.

0400300003 A condition for the presence of an element (attribute) depending on the value of another element (attribute) is violated
When submitting a report to the tax service, users encounter error 0400300003 and the message: “The condition for the presence of an element (attribute) depending on the value of another element (attribute) is violated,” depending on the value of another element. Such an error confuses many, because few people know what to do in this situation. Most often, this problem occurs when trying to fill out a 3-NDFL form through the site. In this article we will definitely solve this problem. (Further…)
0300300001 The file does not comply with the xsd scheme
When filing reports via electronic communication, we may receive a response letter from the tax authority, which contains information about errors 0300300001 “found in our reporting file“ The file does not comply with the xsd scheme ”and error code 50 in the CWR-STAGE . Typically, this problem is associated with an outdated version of the program for creating and sending reports, requiring the user to take steps to update it. In this article I will sort out what the error is 0300300001 "The file does not correspond to the xsd scheme", and what are the ways to fix it.

Error code 50 in SZV-STAGE - Solution
Electronic document management as well as paper, does not exclude the appearance of various kinds of errors. In particular, problems appear at the stage of submitting information about the insurance experience of the organization’s employees to the FIU authorities. If inaccuracies were made when sending the form CZV-STAGE, the report is returned to the sender with a negative protocol, error code 50 and recommendations for correcting it. Today we consider the situation when the error code 50 appears in the SZV-STAGE (the report is not fully accepted), and determine the main ways to solve it.