The Chinese online store AliExpress has a new Russian partner. The Chinese company has signed an agreement with IML. This is a service of express delivery of goods, which consists of the Alibaba Group holding. The service provides store users with an expedited delivery of their goods. In this article we will analyze in detail what kind of delivery with Aliexpress IML Express. (Further…)
How on Ozone to pay bonuses "THANKS"
From this article you will learn how to pay with bonuses "THANKS" on Ozone. Sberbank has a lot of partners. One of them is the online store On this site, users can buy everything from food to books and DVDs. Today, partners maximally interact with each other. In such a close community, new ideas are born to attract customers to their market. Sberbank offers its customers special bonuses that they can spend in supermarkets, travel agencies, entertainment sites and now on (Further…)
1 country code
Anyone who has ever tried to call another country has seen a completely different set of numbers in the subscriber’s number. For each country, the code is determined by a special international committee on telegraphy and telephony. From this article you will find out which country code is 1 (unit). (Further…)
380 code of which country and city
. In this article you will learn what country and city this code is 380 . Each phone number contains immutable codes that are specific to all numbers in a country, city, or operator. For each state, a special phone code is allocated, which will be displayed when a subscriber is called in another country. For city numbers, their code is also highlighted, which must be dialed when making a call to another region of the country.
Error in 1C 7.7 "The sorting order established for the database differs from the system one"
When working in the 1C program, users encounter various problems that they often cannot solve on their own. Today we will solve one of such errors in 1C 7.7 "The sorting order established for the database differs from the system one." It occurs most often on two popular versions of the OS - Windows Vista and Windows 7. (Further…) - how to delete an account on Instagram
Instagram is a service in which each user can upload their photos to tape and create them directly in the application, edit, add one of a large number of filters and put them on public display. The Instagram social network has become popular all over the world. Its popularity continues to grow, marketers of all countries are talking about it. But, as in the case of other resources, users sometimes have different interests and circumstances. In this regard, they want to leave the social network. In this article we will talk about how to remove Instagram, namely about the page and its capabilities. telephone hotline
Wildverries (or Wildberry) is one of the largest online trading platforms in Russia where you can purchase various goods - from shoes to electrical equipment for your home. It provides its services also in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Belarus. When shopping here, users face different situations, so they often look for a hotline on
PKU Tax-Service that the letter came in the mail
In the Russian Federation, tax services have different functions. This state body performs not only the control of timely payment of the respective taxes of individuals and legal entities, but also performs registration functions. Therefore, the service staff has to work with a large amount of information. An institution was additionally formed for these functions - PKU “Tax-Service”. It takes part of the work of the main body on itself. In this article we will analyze what letters come to citizens from PKU Tax-Service. (Further…)
Krasnoyarsk 75 what is this registered letter
Modern youth has long not used letters to communicate, because today there is the Internet. With the help of the global network, you can not only write a message to a friend, which is located at a distance of a thousand kilometers, but also talk to him and even see his face. Despite this, government services continue to use letters to alert and transfer important documents to Russian citizens. On notifications about a registered letter, you can see Moscow 74 or Krasnoyarsk 75 in the sender's line. You will learn what kind of registered letter from this article.
Registered letter Moscow 74 from whom?
Looking through the next pile of ads in your mailbox, we can stumble upon a notice of a registered letter, the sender in which the mysterious “Moscow 74” is indicated. Quite often, a similarly mysterious code “F.22” is also placed in a corner on such a notice, which also does not add clarity to the recipient of such a notice. From whom did the registered letter Moscow 74 come, what could be in it, and what to do when receiving such a notice? We will tell in this material.