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How to trim the GIF online

Today in the article, I will help you to cut the GIF online, and I will review several popular services. Often, to install avatars on social networks or simply to add to the site, we need gifs that correspond to certain parameters. What to do when the image is too large or if there are any extraneous elements in the photo that you would not like to see in the frame (someone's hand or leg, part of the interior or something else)? Crop. Photos can be cropped in length, width, or both. The program for processing gifs can be downloaded to a computer, but it is better to use special online services, as the latter:

  • do not occupy PC memory;
  • provide additional features for image processing;
  • they are needed very rarely and there is simply no point in installing them.

The content of the article:

IloveIMG - we cut off hyphal animation

First, we analyze one of the most popular online services - IloveIMG. и загрузите нужное вам gif изображение. Go to and download the gif image you need. The service is very easy to use. You can set the desired image size using the grid, or select the cropping area by entering the width and height values ​​(in pixels) using the numbers on the keyboard. For example, you need an image of 360x300 pixels on your site. Enter the desired values ​​and click “Crop Image”.

Используем IloveIMG для удаления лишних частей гиф-анимации
Use IloveIMG to remove unnecessary parts of the hyphal animation.

The picture is automatically downloaded to the “Downloads” folder on the hard disk of your PC. Also on the page that opens after the operation is completed, you can download the cropped photo again or copy the download link. You can send it to someone, if you can not send the gif. Access time to a file by reference is limited in time and is one hour.

Ezgif - helps to remove unnecessary gif elements

Also easy to use is the Ezgif service. . Go to . The site is in English, but the interface is clear to the user. Here you can download gifs from the hard disk or enter the url of the image in a special field (if it is taken from the Internet). The maximum size of the loaded image is 30 MB. After the photo appears on the screen, you also, as in the IloveIMG service, will be able to choose the desired size using the dimensional grid or entering the required values. In addition, the service provides the ability to select the aspect ratio.

Выбираем необходимую область гифки для вырезания
Select the required area for gifs cut

After entering all the values, click Crop image, and a cropped photo with its menu will appear just below. Here you can perform further actions on the image or save it to your hard drive in the “Downloads” folder.

Результат обрезки в Ezgif
Photo cropped in Ezgif

GifResizer - resizing gifs in the service is very simple

  1. . Upload your gif to .
  2. Then scroll down a bit and perform “Step 1 - Crop Animation”. To do this, select the area on the image using the grid.
  3. The height and width values ​​in pixels will be shown below, but you cannot manually change them.
Пример обрезания анимации в GifResizer
An example of clipping animation in GifResizer

Click “Apply” first under the photo and then at the very bottom of the page. After moving to the next page, download the trimmed gif to your computer. - a free service for hyphal animation

  1. , либо загрузите изображение с жесткого диска. Drag online your gif to the website located at , or download an image from your hard drive.
  2. Use the grid to select the desired area.
  3. Under the photo will change the values ​​of its height and width.
  4. In this service, you can choose the resolution of equal proportions by ticking the box under the photo, and the cropped image will have equal sides.
  5. Click Cut (“Crop”), and on the next page you will see the result of the work done, which you can download.
Скачать результаты обрезки гифки в
Gifka pruning results in

This service provides the ability to make several photo prints by downloading the result in one archive.

Online Image Editor - many actions with animated gif

Popular and online service Online Image Editor.

  1. . Add an image from your PC to .
  2. Select the desired file and click “download” or download (depending on whether the site has translated your browser into Russian or not).
  3. Then click the crop button (in the line above the image).
  4. The menu below the photo will show the original width, height and weight of the image.
  5. You can select the desired cropping area with the cursor or enter the necessary values ​​in the fields to the left of the image.
Интерфейс сервиса Online Image Editor
Service Interface Online Image Editor

At the end of the operation, be sure to click apply and then save to save the image to the “Downloads” folder, upload to Facebook or open in Picasa. If you do not like your work at any of the stages, the Undo button is provided in the line above the photo. Clicking on which, you can return to the original image and make all the actions again.

Considered online services are good not only because they allow you to quickly and easily cut off the online gif, but also provide additional options for processing photos (drawing text, rotating an image, setting a photo frame, and more).

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