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Nearby in the phone what is it

To date, there are several technologies for the transmission and interaction of these devices over the network. They are all peculiar. But companies and device manufacturers are not standing still. Google Inc. recently announced the creation of a new technology, which they called Nearby. It greatly simplifies the use of devices on Android and provides new features. Those who have already noticed information about Nearby are interested in what it is and how it works.


What is this subscription Beeline 9855

Mobile communications today has ceased to be just a means of communication. Today, using a mobile phone, you can connect services, subscribe to magazines, confirm access to various Internet resources and much more. Despite the huge profits of mobile operators, they often go for tricks and, taking advantage of the subscriber’s inexperience, connect various services automatically. Wondering why the funds disappear from the account, subscribers call operators to clarify this phenomenon. They get the answer that a subscription is attached to the number. What is this subscription from Beeline 9855 and why it is connected without the knowledge of the user, you will learn from this article.

Подписка на развлекательный контент от РГК Продакшен
Subscribe to entertainment content from RGK Production


7763 MTS what is this service

All mobile operators provide their subscribers with various services. They are paid or free. Sometimes you will notice that some services are automatically connected, especially when they are no longer satisfied with money. We will talk about one of the services of the operator in this article - what is the service in MTS 7763 and how to connect or disconnect it.

Услуга "Быстрый платеж" МТС
Service "Fast payment" MTS


What does the letter E in music VK

VKontakte social network provides for its users a huge archive of musical compositions, which they can listen to at any time. Anyone here can make their playlist by clicking on the plus sign in front of any song. When viewing the list of melodies, unknown characters sometimes come across, for example, the letter E. Most of the users do not know what the letter E means opposite the name of the music in the VC, let's understand.

Иллюстрация буквы E возле песни
Illustration of the letter E near the song


Sharapovo DTI what is it on the mail notification

Periodically, citizens receive correspondence at their address with the acronym Sharapovo DTI. What it is on the mail notification - very few people know. After all, apart from these letters, information about the sender is no more. In any case, there is no reason to panic. It is only necessary to recall whether the recipient has any debts. Usually, such letters are sent by the state services of the Russian Federation, traffic police, tax inspectors. (Further…)


Over the past months, webmasters of sites could see the warning “reCAPTCHA V1 IS SHUTDOWN” or “V1 SHUTDOWN ON 2018-03-31” on the visual form of traditional recaptcha. Usually this is due to the need to upgrade outdated recaptcha (v1) to the current second version (v2), which has improved features and functionality. Let us examine in more detail what this means and what to do when the message “reCAPTCHA V1 IS SHUTDOWN” appears.

Одно из таких уведомлений о скором отказе от первой версии рекапчи
One of such notifications about the early rejection of the first version of recaptcha


Downloads require access to device memory in Xiaomi what to do

When you try to download the file to the Xiaomi phone, the user of the device may receive the message “Downloads require access to the device’s memory”. Such dysfunction is usually caused by the peculiarities of the settings of the “Downloads” and “Browser” applications, because of which the access of these applications to the phone’s memory is blocked. We will understand the specifics of this problem and its solutions.


Scartel LLC, what is this company operator

To date, there are 15 active mobile operators in the Russian Federation and 6 are under development or beta testing. Most of these people in Russia have not even heard of many of these operators. Nevertheless, they also provide high-quality mobile services and other services and are also successfully developing. One of these operators is Scartel LLC. What kind of organization you will find out later in this article.

Мобильный оператор "Скартел"
