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Rereboot to Bootloader what is it on Android

In any device running Android, there is a bootloader that is responsible not only for the correct launch of the system, but also for updating it - Rereboot to Bootloader. It controls the core of the operating system so that it loads in normal mode. Device manufacturers block the possibility of installing third-party software or even regular updates.

Что это Rereboot to Bootloader
What is Rereboot to Bootloader

Thus, by default, Rereboot to Bootloader is blocked and the device is programmed only to boot the system, allowed by the company. This happens for two main reasons:

  • restriction of owners' rights to change. Thanks to blocking the bootloader, the manufacturer can dictate to users the use of certain OS versions, stop attempts to install illegal software;
  • security. The seller of the device can add their programs, which may contain advertising or viruses. These frauds may be mistakenly attributed to the manufacturer, so she takes care of her image. I think you understand that this is Rereboot to Bootloader in Android OS and now we will analyze the bootloader unlock.

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The content of the article:

How to unlock the bootloader

In order to do this, you can use the universal method. Remove the battery from the smartphone, then insert it back and hold down the volume control on the “-” position along with the power supply. After a few seconds, the device will reboot into the desired state. If RELOCKED is visible in the first line, the fastbootoemlock command is entered using a special utility adb, Odin or Bootloader Unlock .

For all known models, special applications are available in the network that perform the unlocking function of Rereboot to Bootloader. If in the course of work there are difficulties, watch the video with several alternative ways:

Do not forget that during changes in the BIOS, the system will roll back to the factory settings.

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Advantages and disadvantages of unlocking Rereboot to Bootloader

Using the Rereboot to Bootloader function, you should be aware of the responsibility that falls on your shoulders.

  • With the wrong changes, bugs and even fatal errors can occur that lead to the breakdown of your device. Choose only proven firmware and OS, beware of scammers that spread malware.
  • There is a chance that when you unlock a smartphone, all data stored on the media will be erased. Therefore, it is worth saving all important documents and contacts on the hard disk of the computer.
  • In some cases, you may lose the right to warranty service.

    Активация Bootloader
    Bootloader activation

However, the loader is very useful in a number of cases. It is recommended to activate Bootloader for such purposes:

  • firmware of any operating system that can be installed on your device;
  • installation of any applications, patches, additional modules and cores;
  • update to the new version of Android and rollback to an older one;
  • creating backup copies of the current state of the system;
  • the ability to install multiple parallel systems.

Therefore, it is very important to know about the value of the Rereboot to Bootloader option on Android and understand what it is.

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